Ni Hao Gweilos
Well your scaly green friend has made it to the departures lounge at terminal 3 and is currently hiding in the business area of Cathay Pacific's business class lounge where we have free (and very fast) internet.
They also have beer (yum) and little chinese cracker things (more yum) and probably some more beer proper dutch brewed Heineken too; happy dragon!
All very nice and civilized. The only way to travel (when someone else is paying). This is my first biz class trip in absolutely ages and I'd quite forgotten how pleasant travel could be when you don't have to queue up with the lumpen proletariat to get your boarding card, have your own dedicated "Fast Track" bits through customs and security and a nice quiet room to wait for your flight in with Sky TV, free beer and hot and cold running flunkies.
Plane is on time too and I nabbed a left hand side window seat so with any luck I should see the Perseid meteor shower once it gets dark. On the subject, just so you don't think I've gone all soft, I did a quick Google on the perseids and the news item that came up was this piece of horseshit from Fox News. They could just not resist getting some Xtain angle in could they, tears of St Lawrence my arse. Gods I hate that news channel, wankers the lot of 'em.
I'll try and keep you all up to date on fun and games in the far east assuming that I'm not behind the "Great Firewall of China" and can keep off the TsingTao's long enough to post. Might even do you some piccies you lucky people.
Right... more beer.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
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4 hours ago
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